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    Type 1060 - Electrical position feedback for pneumatically operated process valves


    Type Description

    The electrical position feedback Type 1060 is designed for integrated mounting on CLASSIC Series process valves. Due to its simple and a very compact design, the position feedback can easily be mounted on a valve. Depending on the switch type of the electrical position feedback, the positions of the valve are reported electrically: open, closed.

    • Fast and easy installation
    • Compact design

    To help select the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use found in the data sheet.

    Applications & Tools


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Data sheet Type 1060 | Electrical position feedback 507.3 kB EN / EU
    DTS Datenblatt Typ 1060 | Elektrischer Stellungsrückmelder 508.7 kB DE / DE
    DTS Ficha técnica Tipo 1060 | Repetidor de posición eléctrico para válvulas de proceso con […] 1.2 MB ES / ES
    DTS Schema dati Tipo 1060 | Feedback di posizione elettrico per valvole di processo ad azio… 1.2 MB IT / IT

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Instruzioni d'uso Tipo 1060 | Feedback di posizione elettrico 288.8 kB EN,DE,IT / IT
    MAN Manual de instucciones Tipo 1060 | Indicador de posición eléctrico 376.4 kB EN,DE,ES / ES
    MAN Operating Instructions Type 1060 | Electrical position feedback 337.1 kB EN,FR,DE / EU

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 1.2 MB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE